SUB, SBB, SUI, SBI, instruction

7. SUB: -  substract the content of a register or a memory location form the content of accumulator and the result is stored in the accumulator.

Eg: - SUB B( it substracts the content of B register from the content of the accumulator.

         SUB M( it substracts the content of memory location pointed by HL pair from the content of


8. SBB: -  substract with borrow.

Eg: - SBB B
         SBB M

9.SUI: - Substract immediate from accumulator. this instruction subtract the immediate data from the content of accumulator and the result is store in accumulator.

Eg: - SUI 45H

10.SBI: - Substract immediate from the content of the accumulator and the result is stored in accumulator.